
The mission is to establish and maintain a state organization of professional nurses of Indian origin and heritage to identify and pursue their unique professional, social, cultural and political needs.

Our primary goal is to unite all Indian nurses as a professional body under one umbrella. IANA will be the official voice for Indian nurses in New Jersey and outside for professional nursing issues and problems.

The success of an organization depends on the unity and commitment of its members. Equally important is the number of members the association has and the member strength we can derive from it to bring our issues to forefront. To achieve our goals we need unity and commitment from all Indian nurses.

We come from an ancient country of rich traditions, high moral values and cultural heritage. Let us unite at a state level as a unified body of professional nurses from India regardless of our State of origin, age, gender, or language we speak. Many other minority and ethnic nurses have united, organized at national level and are functioning very well for a long time in this country. Let us stand hand in hand and be recognized with other ethnic and minority nursing associations. It is high time we speak as one body and let our voice be heard through IANA.